01 Jul Gratitude, Meditation, and Reflection
The first half of the year has just come to an end. I was reflecting on how the year had gone so far and I must admit, it has been better than 2020.
As is my habit, I spent 29th and 30th reviewing my goals for the year and looking for places to recalibrate.
First, I began with a gratitude checklist. I’ve realized it’s not enough to just make a mental note of the things you’re grateful for. It is very important to write them down or at least, verbalize and record them.
You could take a few minutes to meditate and think about the things that are you grateful for. They don’t have to be big things like getting a new job or getting a scholarship. It could be simple things like being grateful for the opportunity to help others, or for the weather.
The devil often cheats us out by making us focus on the things that are wrong in our lives that we forget the ones that are working.
Among many other things, I am grateful for the beautiful home I have. I am grateful that I still have a job with all the things that happened in my industry during the peak of the pandemic. I am grateful for my mum and parents-in-law whom God has continued to preserve.
After I had written my gratitude list, I began to evaluate how the first half went. Did I achieve at least 30% of my goals? Which one of my goals has changed or maybe evolved? Where do I need to put more effort? What do I need to cut back on?
Ideally, this should be done more often. You could choose to review your goals biweekly, monthly or quarterly.
In this second half of the year, one thing I am going to consciously do is meditation and reflection.
Back in the day, I used to start the day with at least 30 minutes of meditation. This was different from my prayer time. I just sat down and allowed thoughts to flow into my mind. I also used to spend about 5 minutes in the evening just reflecting on how the day went.
Listening to Pst Poju Oyemade yesterday reminded me of the power of meditation. Thinking is the business of life he says. The Holy Spirit gives you insight and direction when you meditate. With the inner man, you create, and with the outer man, you form.
We live in a very noisy world that hardly gives room for stillness and mediation. My action for the second half of the year is to keep a gratitude journal, spend more time reflecting and meditating.
I hope to talk about how this went by December.
How about you? Any strategic plan for the second half of the year?
Let’s discuss this in the comment section
Posted at 18:53h, 01 JulyHmm! Meditation is becoming more difficult to achieve these days. I hope to consciously inculcate it into my habit in this 2nd half of the year.
Part of what I’m planning to do more in the 2nd half of the year is to become consistent in reading one book per month, meditating, and praying more in the spirit. These are some daily habits I want to cultivate this season. I believe it will boost my productivity to achieve other goals I have set.
Posted at 07:11h, 02 JulyThank you for reading and sharing your thoughts.
Truly, it’s becoming difficult to meditate. I’m sure with conscious planning, we’ll improve.
I love your 2nd half plans. They are noble and I hope that you will talk about the difference these activities made in your year.