20 May Trusting God through difficult times
It is easy to trust God when the going is good. When every milestone is reached without problems or delays. You know the usual drill; finish secondary school, enter the university immediately, graduate with flying colours, get a prestigious job, marry the love of your life, and make cute tiny little mini-you.
But what do you when your plans don’t quite work out as expected? When you face a sudden change like the death of a loved one, protracted illness, loss of job or delays in childbirth. When have you prayed for an issue for a long time and no answer seems forthcoming? When you have applied every principle of faith- tithing, confession, prayers, service etc, and nothing changes.
A few weeks ago, I woke up with a heavy heart. I have been praying about an issue for over 12 years, and it seems there is no answer in view. There are also other things I have been believing God for which heaven still seems closed.
I randomly think about people who have had their faith tested, people who had to live through difficult situations and I marvel at where their strength comes/came from
While in my thoughts, I remembered this childhood song,
“I cast all my cares upon Him.
I lay all of my burdens down at your feet.
And anytime, I don’t know what to do,
I will cast all my cares, upon him.”
As I tearfully sang the song, I began to regain my strength. I once again resolved to lay it all on the altar. And when my humanity overwhelms me, to just sing and meditate on God’s promises.
Isaiah 41:10:
Fear not, for I am with you.
Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, Yes, I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous right hand
Job 14:14b
All the days of my hard service I will wait, Till my change comes.
Katchy Nwaebiem
Posted at 10:17h, 22 MayOne of the most difficult things to do is trusting God and being at peace in the face of uncertainties and unanswered prayers.
We have to deliberately draw our hearts back to him when it wonders I the territory of doubt, anger, frustration and fear.
We have to remind ourselves that He is a loving and just God who wants the best for us and can be trusted.
Not one of his promises fails, we have the testimonies of saints of old and people around us for our encouragement.
Though it tarries, we know it shall come to pass.
We also know He is sovereign and we trust in His sovereignty.
While we wait, we pray, sing, remain silent, cry when heavy and still run back to Him, after all, to whom shall we run to?
We pray for strength and peace for our waiting times. Amen
Posted at 10:49h, 22 MayThank you for this timely piece, it’s so relatable.
Joyfully waiting on God to fulfill His promises to us as His children is not often very easy, especially when what you are asking for are things You see Him give to others freely without much delay, but the assurance in Jeremiah chapter one verse five makes it easier to keep waiting on Him.
Posted at 14:01h, 13 AprilI know this song, I’ve sang it a couple of times too while praying.
The only thing to do during tough times is still to cast our cares upon the Lord.
Another thing is to not pick again after casting… Thank you for sharing Chizzy.
Chizzy Nwokoye
Posted at 22:53h, 13 AprilLoL Ruth!
It’s difficult to not pick it up. But I am learning daily